Welcome to Tadenac Games, a new game store in Halifax, NS. Our goal is to become your favourite one-stop shop for wargames.
We feel we are uniquely qualified to run a wargame store. The owner, Peter, began wargaming in 1973 when, as a kid growing up in Ontario, he received Avalon Hill’s Blitzkrieg for Christmas. Several more AH games followed in quick succession, then a subscription to Simulations Publications’ magazine, Strategy & Tactics. In short, he has been playing wargames regularly for just shy of 50 years.
He is also the Twitter/Facebook/BGG Guy for Multi-Man Publishing, a position he’s held since January 2018. Through this position he’s come to personally know many people in the wargaming community, including owners and fellow Twitter Guys from several game publishers.
In summary, we are very knowledgeable about wargames in general, but we’re still keen to learn even more. We hope that our store has something you need. If not, feel free to drop us a line with any stock requests, or questions about the games that we carry.